Information for grantmakers
Information for grantmakers
We provide services for people with learning disabilities and their families, improving quality of life through the provision of services in three key areas:
- Horticultural therapy and skills training through our unique ‘Greenfingers’ project, based on allotment lands in an accessible central location
- Leisure, health and wellbeing clubs and activities
- Social support to promote independent living and mental wellbeing
We know we make a real difference to the physical and mental wellbeing of our service users – that’s why some of our customers have been with us for over 20 years!
In order to ensure our services remain accessible in times of unprecedented challenge, we are striving to keep our fees competitive and reduce operating costs wherever feasible.
Now more than ever your support can have a direct and significant impact on the vital work we do. Please explore ‘our stories‘ to see the difference your funding could make.
(Basingstoke Mencap is independent from and receives no funding from National Mencap.)

Harley's Story
Harley loves Gardening in the Community, a local gardening service where he gains commercial work experience.
Read his story here.

Henry's Story
Henry's favourite place to be found on site is the woodworking studio.
Read his story here.

Louise's Story
Louise has learned new skills in horticulture and has become more confident since joining Basingstoke Mencap.
Read her story here.

Nick's Story
Nick is a member of Basingstoke Mencap and volunteers as the nursery manager.
Read his story here.
Thank you
At a time of hardship for many, the funding we receive is vital in sustaining our work to support people living with a learning disability in Basingstoke.
My thanks goes to all of our wonderful supporters who continue to help us make a difference every day."

Edward Gostling Foundation
Have awarded us funding towards our Leisure Clubs and Activities for 2023/24, ensuring our services remain affordable and accessible to all members.
Our focus in 2022/23 was one of growth, resilience and sustainability. The generosity of our sponsors and donors enabled us to recruit additional staff, insulate key buildings (effecting significant reduction to heating bills), purchase essential equipment and enhance our leisure service portfolio.

Albert Hunt Trust
Have enabled us to fund core costs to recruit additional staff and expand our service offerings across Greenfingers and Leisure.

Arnold Clark Community Fund
Awarded funds to enhance our leisure offering through the facilitation of day trips/excursions.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in partnership with Basingstoke Voluntary Action (BDBC/BVA)
Have enabled us to implement strategies for resilience and sustainability at Greenfingers - insulating key buildings, extending site opening to an additional two days per week and enhancing our Gardening in the Community service.

Basingstoke Quilters
Raised a donation for Greenfingers and have nominated Basingstoke Mencap as their main charity for 2023.

Four Lanes Trust
Have enabled us to purchase vital equipment for our Gardening in the Community service.

Garfield Weston
Funded core costs to recruit additional staff, expand our service offerings across Greenfingers and Leisure.

The Worshipful Company of Grocers
Awarded a grant in support our programme to support life skills - enabling people with learning differences to gain skills and knowledge in handling money, keeping safe online, and handling relationships.

Jeremiah Colman Trust
As our patron and sponsor, Lady Colman has supported Basingstoke Mencap for a number of years. The Jeremiah Colman Trust funds an annual BBQ for our members and in 2022 the trust awarded a grant to subsidise core costs.

John Stacy and Sons Skips Ltd
Provide a free annual skip to dispose of all waste generated at the Greenfingers allotment site.
Sovereign Housing Association
Have enabled us to fund core costs to recruit additional staff and expand our service offerings at Greenfingers.